A lecture on solar energy by Michael Gretzel, the winner of the Global Energy Prize '17

27 Марта 2018
 Print version
Start27 Марта 2018 14:30
End27 Марта 2018 16:10

March 27, 2018, the winner of the Global Energy Prize - 2017 and inventor in the field of solar energy Michael Graetzel will give a lecture at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany). He will talk about mesoscopic photosystems. A live broadcast of the lecture will be available on the Institute's website.

Time: 14.30-16.10  Moscow time (13.30-15.10 in Karlsruhe).

Language of the talk: English

Live stream links:
1. https://www.youtube.com/user/GlobalEnergyPrize1/live
2. http://www.webcast.kit.edu/276.php

As one of the main leaders in the field of materials for solar energy, Professor Gretzel received the Global Energy Award in 2017 for his outstanding input into the development of inexpensive and efficient solar batteries known as the "Gretzel cells." This talk is a part of the "Energy of Knowledge" program. You will learn  how these cells, based on color sensitive nanocrystalline oxide films, successfully imitate the natural process of photosynthesis occurring in green leaves and algae. The scientist will also share the results of his activities to increase the efficiency of these solar photovoltaic systems and their applications.

Reference: The Global Energy Prize is an independent international award for outstanding research and scientific and technical developments in the field of energy that contribute to the effective use of energy resources and environmental safety on Earth in the interests of all mankind. Since 2003 35 scientists from 11 countries (Great Britain, Germany, Iceland, Canada, Russia, USA, Ukraine, France, Sweden, Switzerland and Japan) have become laureates of the prize.